According to Fitness Australia, those employed as a ‘fitness instructor’ in our active country has more than doubled in the last decade, a testament to the strong growth of this sector in terms of both employment and participation. However the trend is flattening and although the market has expanded, so too has the competition between instructors looking to dominate the space. So what can you do to push your head up above the rest? How can you grow a profitable business in the fitness industry?
1) Dominate social
We all know social media is the go-to free marketing tool available to everyone and seen by almost as many. Businesses across the spectrum and across the globe will find a friend in social but fitness businesses are among the blessed few where social really fires. Yoga poses at the beach, early morning jogging sessions, sunset bootcamp… people like to share fitness shots and fitness stories. Take advantage of this and make sure all your classes have social handles to promote and a range of original and engaging photos and content to share. Brand your channels sharply and make these channels work for you as sales and marketing avenues.
2) Market yourself not just your business
As above, fitness businesses tend to have a strong reliance on the trainer and their personal brand. When you sign up for a class you are as much, if not more, influenced by the individual running the class as much as the brand or the business. The idea here is to involve yourself in your marketing efforts, making sure you are personally prominent in your marketing imagery, copy and media. Sell yourself, not just the class.
3) Build reliable systems
Whether you run your fitness business out of a studio, public park or private residence, you need bombproof and simple systems in place. What do I mean by systems? Booking tools, accounting apps, automated marketing and website contact systems. People need to be able to contact you and book a spot seamlessly. You need to be able to know how your financials are going in an instant. To do this accurately, simply and without hassle you will need to purchase and setup your business systems as a matter of priority.
4) Sell results
Don’t sell a training regime, don’t just sell yourself either. Sell the results your clients are paying you for! People drawn to your business will be looking to be healthier, leaner, stronger, more flexible and feeling more confident in their own skin. Target all of your imagery, copy and sales efforts at promoting these physical results. Client commitment and associated revenue should follow.
5) Offer an X-factor
As noted, the fitness industry has grown rapidly over the last decade and is now in a more modest incline. So why would a client choose your yoga class or personal training regime? What separates you from the next trainer or studio? How about offering an edge of some sort – a unique or rarely seen form of yoga? An original personal training regime? A better business model and outstanding customer experience? Decide how to differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd.